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一 关于美国堕胎事件的一些个人感想 (第3/4页)
finally legal. I remember how the LGBTQ group burst into tears because of delight aement. I ’t believe this. If gay marriage is sidered illegal again, what the LGBTQ group should do ? I ’t imagine how they will feel about this bullshit. After years of being sidered as perverts, as havial illness, the LGBTQ group’s rights were finally vindicated by the w in 2015. Those people try to take the rights away from them. When they are finally able to marry the person they love legally, those people want to again take the rights away from the minority groups. Thomas wants to take away the rights that the LGBTQ group fought with such arduous work, and that’s eous. 我还记得2015年同性恋婚姻最终合法化的时候。我还记得LGBTQ群体是如何因为喜悦和兴奋而泪流满面的。 我真不敢相信。如果同性恋婚姻再次被认为是非法的,LGBTQ群体应该怎么做? 难以想象他们会对这破事有什么看法。 在多年被视为变态、患有精神疾病之后,LGBTQ群体的权利终于在2015年被法律证明了。 那些人试图剥夺他们的权利。当他们最终能够合法地和他们所爱的人结婚时,那些人想再次剥夺少数群体的权利。 托马斯想要剥夺LGBTQ团体为之艰苦奋斗的权利,这是令人发指的。 下文的“you”指的是托马斯法官和他的支持者们。 I think it’s fug absurd and disgusting that you are trying to take away traceptions from women. You are apparently sidering women as people who are inferior to men, and who are not able to make decisions that are good for themselves. You are stating that notion in such a desding way. You think you are doing the right things, because you o respect life. If you think that at the age of six weeks, the fetus in our wombs have human rights , why are you denying the basic human rights of women, who are have values way more signifit than offsprings for men. 我觉得这太他妈荒谬恶心了。你居然想剥夺女性的避孕权。 你显然认为女人不如男人,不能做出对