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分卷阅读69 (第2/2页)
清风中,他的笑大方又青涩,光线从眨动的睫毛落入和发色一样的浅浅瞳孔里,像盛着一汪晨露般明朗透彻。 男孩望着他眼中小巧浑圆的红痣,转忧为痴,紧抿的嘴巴微微张开,两人对视了许久,两个耳机将同样的旋律分别送到他们的耳中。 “Why do birds suddenly appear Everytime you are near Just like me, they long to be Close to you Why do stars fall down from the sky Everytime you walk by Just like me, they long to be Close to you On the day that you were born The angels got together And decided to create a dream e true So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair And put a starlight in your eyes so blue That is why all the girls in town Follow you, all around Just like me, they long to be Close to you ……” 第一唱段在浪漫的萨克斯和轻快的钢琴合奏中结束,祝拾肆抬手轻咳了一下,微笑问道:“你怎么会听这首老歌?” 男孩没说话,下巴搁在并拢的双膝间,垂眼看着两人在草地上轻轻摇晃的影子,眼眶红红的。 祝拾肆没有追问,同他一起把目光投入到秋千下双人重叠的身影,随着流动的微风,温柔的歌者在耳边轻吟。 “On the day that you were born The angels got together And decided to create a dream e true So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair And put a starlight in your eyes so blue That is why all the girls in town Follow you, all around Just like me, they long to be Close to you ……” 一曲结束,从头循环,进入前奏的时候,男孩低声道:“因为妈妈喜欢这首歌。” 他回答了祝拾肆在间奏时的提问。 妈妈。祝拾肆想起方书云曾说过,他弟弟的生母病逝了,被复婚的父亲带回了国内,他确定身旁的男孩就是方书云口中的弟弟。 “那你……”祝拾肆犹豫了