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243、【番外】夫妻相性五十问 (第1/8页)
作者有话要说: 6月11日: 今天奉上基神和妹子的夫妻相性五十问~~多达近万字啊作者菌今天简直是爆了rp了……小天使们请慢慢享用~~ 第44题欧石楠的梗请见妹子在基神第一次掉下彩虹桥之后,偷偷潜入基神原来的房间,在他桌上的花瓶里看到一束已经枯萎的欧石楠的剧情~~ 对了,大家还想看什么内容的番外呢?^^ ps. 1、谢谢小天使aileengzw和阿玄的地雷~~(づ ̄3 ̄)づq?~ 2、jj这个总受在抽搐,而且抽得很厉害,作者菌下午爆肝回复了好几位小天使的评论,包括长评,回复还都写得很长,结果一开始全抽没了。。。虽然后来系统又吐了出来,不过大家还是不要太信任总受君的节操。。。如果系统把作者菌的回复吃掉的话,作者菌一定会补上的,请姑娘们稍安勿躁哦。另外还可能有些评论无法回复(评论页面刷不出来,作者后台看到了但是没有回复按钮),这个请谅解,一定不是作者菌有心怠慢哦。所以在这里特意说明一下。 3、小天使们如果要留长评的话请务必先在电脑或手机上保存好原稿,再复制粘贴到jj的留言框里~!系统君发癫中,无药可救……为免大家心血白费,请一定先保存……不便之处请多谅解~ =================================================== 既然已经爆肝奉献了万字更新,那么这么肥的一章必须配乐菌登场才算完美啊~~ 本章配乐:ja ja 的 together again。 码这一章的时候一直在听,意外地感觉很适合这种he之后氛围轻松的访谈场景~~ 下面奉上歌词: there are times when i look above and beyond there are times when i feel your love around me, baby i'll never fetbaby (i'll never fet you) when i feel that i don't belong drawstrength from the words when you said, hey, it's about you, baby look deeper inside you, baby dream abouttogether again what i wanttogether again, baby i know we'lltogether again 'cause... everywhere i go every □□ile i see i know you are there smiling backme dangmoonlight i know you are free 'cause i see your star shining downme (togetherget through) good times we'll share again makeswanna dance sayloud and proud alllove's for you always been a true angelme now above i 't wait for you your wings around me, baby them around me, baby sometimes hear you whispering no more pain no worries will you ever see now, baby i'mhappy forbaby there are times when i look above and beyond there are times when i feel