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Dong Xuanzi Foreplay 01 (第6/7页)
helps women with underdeveloped bodies. It produces an indescribable pleasure. Massage route. The bdder meridian of the foot sun starts from the inner er of the eye. Up the cheeks. meet at the top of the head. Branch 1 from the top of the head to the upper er of the ear. The straight el goes from the top of the head to the inner colterals to the brain and emerges from the neck. The scapu divides into two desding branches. Aortic 1 desds from the medial side of the scapu to the middle of the waist. The muscles that enter the spine ect to the kidneys and belong to the bdder. Branch 2 branches from the middle of the waist, passes beside the Jiaji, passes through the buttocks and enters the popliteal. Aorta 2 desds from the medial scapu across the scapu to the hip joint. It desds along the posteroteral aspect of the thigh and joins with branch 2 in the popliteal. Down through the gastroemius and out the back of the teral malleolus. Along the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal to the teral side of the little toe. ected below the foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian. (A 3D stereoscopic holographic image is presented above the lecture table: Tianzhu Point) The 6th is gfu Point. Below the ter of the hip striated line. Located at the ter of the left and right gluteal grooves. This is where the ero