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Metaverse Tycoon Proxima 02 (第12/20页)
o Space Orbit City", which is about 14,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station". The 115th station is the "Gaia Space Orbit City" about 15,000 light-years away from the "Oter Cloud Space Teleportation Station". The 116th station is the "Gaaiyi Space Orbit City", which is about 16,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station". The 117th station is the "Gaia II Space Orbit City" about 17,000 light-years away from the "Oter Cloud Space Transmission Station". The 118th station is the "Omega Space Orbit City", which is about 18,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station". The 119th station is the "Omega Yi Space Orbit City", which is about 19,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station". The 120th station is the "Omega II Space Orbit City", which is about 20,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station". The 121st station is the "Smith Cloud Space Orbit City", which is about 30,000 light-years away from the "Otter Cloud Space Transmission Station". The 122nd station is the "Smith Yunyi Space Orbit City", which is about 40,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station". The 123rd station is the "Smith Cloud II Space Orbit City", which is about 50,000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station". The 124th station is the "Smith Cloud Mountain Space Orbit City", which is about 60,000 li